Monday, November 21, 2011

Background work and Timeline

Over the weekend, I went and took a lot more pictures for my background, and started the process of trying to stitch them together. I was doing my best with no reference and just trying to visualize it as I was taking the pictures, but there's still inconsistencies. Also some of them came out of focus, because it was kinda muggy outside (at least that's my excuse). Next time I'm going to bring my tripod, and also some chalk and a tape measure. That way I can set up a line to keep consistent and do check marks along it to take the pictures at. Though here's what I've made so far.

So as far as the timeline goes, its currently 11/22, and I'm shooting for the project to be finished on 12/6. That's 14 days. Oh man. welp so I guess the schedule goes as thus:

11/22 - finish taking background photos
11/23-27 - Thanks giving break. Finish character design, and map out journey through the space.
11/28 - Have everything ready to start animating.
11/30 - Try to finish act 1.
12/3 - Finish Act 2.
12/5 - Finish Act 3 and button up project.
12/6 - Crit
12/7 - Revise
12/8 - Turn in project.

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