Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Scene Assignment

For the first assignment in this class, we had to develop a singular scene of still images and graphics with a foreground and background while not particularly knowing exactly what we're going to use it for. Thats where the problem was for me. I kept being unsure of what I wanted to make, because I didn't know what where I was going to go with it after that. So after some time, I decided I really wanted to make a kind of vectorized film nior type urban lanscape. After finally making up my mind as to what I wanted to make, I didn't run into any problems.
Overall I am happy with the result, even if I'm still not sure where we are going from here.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


One of the the things that really spurred me to take this class, beyond that its a requirement for my major, was my interest into After Effects. While I know this is not a special effects class, i've been throughly engaged with the work of two related groups called Corridor Digital and Freddie Wong:
Corridor Digital
These guys work together making videos, primarly for youtube, but are just using that to build up a sorts of resume to get farther into the film and special effects industry.
Now the kicker is they, aslong with making kick ass videos, both have a secondary channel in which they break down what went into shooting or creating that particular video. They aslo have a few tutorial videos and links to tons of other resources:
So yeah, check them out if you're curious.